Sauteed Mussels (A Filipino Seafood Recipe)

Sauteed Mussels (A Filipino Seafood Recipe)

Sauteed Mussels is made of Mussels(Tahong) with Tomatoes, Ginger and Sprite(Lemon Soda).


602.5 grams Mussels or Tahong
13 grams Chili leaves
30 grams Ginger
250 ml Sprite (Lemon soda)
3 cloves Garlic
5 pieces Tomato
1 piece Onion
1 Tbsp Sugar
Cooking oil
Ground pepper

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  1. Heat some cooking oil in a pan. Put 3 cloves of minced garlic, 30 grams of julienne cut ginger, 1 piece of chopped onion, 5 pieces of tomato cut in length-wise. Sauté all the ingredients together.
  2. Let it pan fry for a while and then add 602.5 grams of mussels(tahong).
  3. Stir fry for a few minutes then pour 250 ml of Sprite(lemon soda).
  4. Add some salt, a dash of ground pepper and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Stir to combined all the condiments added.
  5. Add 13 grams of chili leaves, let it simmer for a few minutes before transferring on a serving plate.

This Sautéed mussels is one of the best Filipino Recipe serve with Stuffed fried tilapia as side dish

sauteed mussels
sauteed mussels
sauteed mussels
sauteed mussels

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